Report Suspicious Behavior & Activity
Your assistance is critical to aiding law enforcement and public safety officials who are working to keep Chicago, your local community and our whole country safe.
The following are items that will be useful to law enforcement investigators when you report suspicious activity.
Always remember that your safety comes first. Never attempt to make contact with, pursue or in any other way interfere with an individual or group of individuals whom you think are acting suspiciously. Call 9-1-1 immediately to report suspicious activity.
If You See Something, Say Something
Vital Information for Reporting Suspicious Behavior
When observing suspicious activity, please try to note the following information and make that information available to the 9-1-1 operator or law enforcement representative taking the report:
Whether a single individual or a group of individuals is engaged in the activity. If a group, then how many individuals are in the group; is the individual or group in a vehicle or standing in the open?
Description of Suspicious Activities:
Surveillance – Recording or monitoring activities. May include the use of cameras, note-taking, drawing diagrams or maps.
Tests of Security – Attempts to measure reaction times to security, penetrate physical security barriers, monitor procedures, assess security.
Supply Acquisition – Purchasing or stealing explosives, weapons, ammo, etc. May include acquiring uniforms, decals, flight manuals, passes, badges.
Elicitation – Attempting to gain information about operations, infrastructure, or people by mail, email, phone, or in person.
Rehearsal – Putting people in position and moving them around according to their plan without actually committing the terrorist act.
Deployment – People and supplies getting into position to commit the act. This is the person’s last chance to alert authorities before the terrorist act occurs.
Suspicious Person Out of Place – People who don’t seem to belong in the workplace, neighborhood, or in a particular building or area.
Funding – Suspicious transactions involving large cash payments, deposits, or withdrawals are common signs of terrorist funding.
Breach/Attempted Intrusion – Unauthorized personnel attempting to enter or actually entering a restricted area or protected site. Impersonation of authorized personnel (e.g. police, security, janitor).
Misrepresentation – Presenting false or misusing insignia, documents, and/or identification to misrepresent one’s affiliation to cover possible illicit activity.
Theft/Loss/Diversion – Stealing or diverting something associated with a facility/infrastructure (e.g. badges, uniforms, identification, emergency vehicles, technology, or documents which are proprietary to the facility).
Sabotage/Tampering/Vandalism – Damaging, manipulating, or defacing part of a facility/infrastructure or protected site.
Cyberattack – Compromising or attempting to compromise or disrupt an organization’s information technology infrastructure.
Expressed or Implied Threat – Communicating a spoken or written threat to damage or compromise a facility/infrastructure.
Aviation Activity – Operation of an aircraft in a manner that reasonably may be interpreted as suspicious or posing a threat to people or property. May or may not be in violation on Federal Aviation Regulations.